Frontends with Curves and Lines

when HTML is not enough

and some more svg drawing here

React Site with Scroll Effects and an interactive data-visualization

made the frontend for this site some time ago

SVG Roadmap (2018)

just to keep an archive of all the stuff I made. this is a work from 2018.

1 2 3 4 5 6 no single trail through frontend jungle! Legends Personally prefered Good to know Possibilities HTML Semantic HTML Conventions and Best Practices Basic SEO Accessibility CSS Layouts (Float, Positioning, Display, Box Model, Grid, Flex Box) Responsive Webdesign, Media Queries CSS Frameworks (Zurb Foundation, Bootstrap) CSS Architekture / Methodology : BEM JavaScript Syntax and basic operations DOM manipulation, Jquery Hoisting, Event, Prototyping, Scope, Shadow DOM, strict Fetch, AJAX (XHR) Modular JS, ES6+ async, promises, generators chaining, currying, arrow functions, closures, pure, side-effects, iife Internet / Browsers HTTP(S): Headers, Request, Response, preflight Browsers, DOM, Browser DevTools Security: CORS, CSP, OWASP Security Risks, XSS Browser-Differences, caniuse, meta-tags Web Performance (browser caching, preloading, lazy-loading, image srcset, etc) General Development Skills GIT – Version Control (GitHub) HTTP/HTTPS protocol Know your text-editor / IDE Terminal usage Data Structures and Algorithms Design patterns Build Tools Package Managers npm Yarn Bundler Webpack Rollup Task Runners gulp npm scripts Styling Sass/SCSS PostCSS Browserlist CSS in JS: CCS-Modules JS Frameworks React Build/Bundle with react-create-app custom webpack config for Single Page Applications only State Management Redux Compoent State / Hooks Preact use react ecosystem Web Components Micro-Frontends HTML Templates Custom Elements Shadow DOM Progressive Web Apps PWA Storage Web Sockets Service Workers Manifests other browser APIs lighthouse 100% waiting for Apple Websites Routing Hydrating, Server-Side-Rendering (SSR) Universal Rendering Performance Optimization Conditional Loading Polyfills, conditional loading, precaching Static Site Generation Extend HTML Canvas Web Components Micro-Frontends SVG lazy design space Animation simple visualizations filters, clipping D3s Unity Web Assembly Testing if algorithms get more complex, put them in a pure function and unit test them in (p)react write functional components, better to test jest, react-testing-library, enzyme test your api calls, expect them to fail use a Cross Browser Testing service, e.g. saucelabs test state with redux dev tools selenium, puppeteer Keep Learning 🙂

Animated Logos and an iceberg

well the code is old (jQuery, GSAP) and a bit bloated, but its still working

Responsive Web Design Performance CMS Responsive art-directed Images ProgressiveEnhancement Conditional Loading ContentStrategy Polyfills Ergonomics